


Traditional sports betting without the "house"

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Why Choose BetYa

Simple and Effective

We give the sports betting community the oppurtunity to bet without the "house"

Simple exchange model

We pair money wagered from both sides of an event. Similar to an exchange, your bet gets filled based on the pool of money on the other side of the event's outcome. Doing so, we give you the oppurtunity to bet without the house edge.

Better chance of turning a profit

You ever wonder why two sides of an even bet have -110 odds on a sportsbook? It's because they're taking that 10% for themselves. At BetYa, it's +100 which means you make money faster and lose money slower!

Transparent pricing

Loses are minimized and wins are maximized as you don't pay the vig from a traditional sportsbook all while keeping the same payout. With our monthly subscriptions, you pay a fixed cost and bet to your hearts desire with no fees!

More Features

The Platform you Deserve

BetYa is designed to enhance the sports bettor's experience by offering our users the best odds available. Come join our community of bettors and get what you deserve.

Best odds in the industry
Community forums
Fast and secure payments
Statistical betting insight
Subscription services
Seasonal betting events

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more by checking out questions below.

Who takes my bet?

Your bet's are filled in a timely order coming from the pool of money on the other side of the event. For example, you want to take Eagles -7 against the Giants. Instead of betting against the house your bet is directly filled by others looking to take the Giants -7. In this process orders may be filled by 1 indivual bet or multple smaller bets.  

How do I get paid?

Just like a traditional sportsbook, after the event's outcome is determined, a winning wager is paid out right after the event becomes official. The amount you win will be credited right to your account.

What happens if my bet doesn't get filled?

If any portion of you bet does not get filled, that credit will be re applied back to your account. There are no fees for any wagers that do not get filled.

When are markets closed?

Markets close 1 minute before sceduled gametime. In the event the game is delayed or postponed to a new time or date, the market will re adjust closing times based on the new offcial gametime.  

How does BetYa make money?

We charge a simple monthly fee to use our exchange. Compared to traditional sportsbooks, they "charge" ~9% per bet or what is known as the vig.  

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